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FREE Intro to EOL™ - Group Healing Experiential

The Energy of Life® (EOL) Healing Process is a Divinely-facilitated integrative self-healing process, which empowers you to determine the physical, emotional or spiritual root cause(s) of a challenge, illness or condition.

Learn how YOU can use the EOL Process, by itself or in combination with other healing modalities, for self-healing, working with clients, loved ones, pets, and more!

The EOL Integrative Healing Process combines a large variety of techniques and modalities, and can be performed both in-person or via distant/remote healing.

What makes The Energy of Life® Process unique?

  • Full body/ cellular level activation for information, increasing the accuracy over other methods which rely solely on the thymus or other target areas (such as kinesiology or muscle testing)

  • Complete and detailed answers that come via the body and Higher Self of the client, rather than a series of "yes" or "no" questions and responses

  • Empowerment and involvement in the healing process on the part of the client

  • With practice, the ability to heighten the client's own intuition, increasing accuracy and detail

  • The integration of many energy, bodywork styles, modalities and techniques during a healing session, as utilized by the practitioner in partnership with the client

  • The client learns a variety of tools and techniques to apply at home, related to wellness and personal fulfillment in their life

  • Aaron teaches many aspects of The EOL Process in the EOL I.D.E.A.L. Process Workshop Series

Common conditions that Aaron has used EOL techniques to facilitate the healing of include:

Angina pectoris, arthritis, asthma, bone and nerve degeneration, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, grand mal (epileptic) seizures, immune disorders, lupus, lymphoma, physical/emotional trauma, whiplash, headaches/migraines, prolapsed/dropped organs, prostate problems, psoriasis, TMJ, and more.

Healing modalities that Aaron may incorporate into the EOL Healing Process include:

Color, sound, light and aroma-therapies, integrative bodywork,  cellular physical trauma/deep emotional release from the body, cranio-sacral therapy, visceral manipulation, hypnotherapy, inner child work, re-birthing, breathwork, timeline therapy, BioMorphic Geometry™ and numeric algorithms, energetic facelifts, negative ion shower, and more.

March 7

Mind & Meditation

March 11

Kundalini Yoga