Frequently Asked Questions
What is Medical Intuition?
First, let’s talk about what Medical Intuition is not. Medical Intuition does NOT provide medical diagnosis. Aaron’s intuitive insights do not provide or replace medical diagnoses, which are based on a totally different evaluation and treatment model.
So what is Medical Intuition? Aaron’s medical intuitive insights and healing sessions can be helpful for people of any age and medical history, and are NOT just for people with serious health problems.
During a Healing Session, Aaron identifies the Root Cause(s) - the initial trauma, injury, or event (or combination thereof) - that triggered a blockage or imbalance, which ultimately manifested as symptoms of an illness or condition. These may be chemical and neurological imbalances, or physical, psychological, emotional and/or karmic traumas and blockages in the organs and tissues throughout the body.
By identifying the initial trauma, injury or events (or combination thereof) that triggered the blockage or imbalance, Aaron’s goal is to assist the client in resolving the Root Cause(s) of their issue.
Aaron’s Energy Of Life™ Healing Sessions are done remotely, with a simple phone call. Most clients like to be on the phone during the session, but sessions can be done in absentia (without a phone call) if you’re busy at work, taking care of children, or just prefer not to be on the phone. It’s totally up to you!
What do you mean by “Root Cause”?
A Root Cause is the initial physical, toxic, illness, emotional or spiritual event that caused the body to go out of homeostasis (balance) and not fully recover. The Root Cause then triggers a series of reactions in the body, which result in dis-ease, dysfunction, illness or feeling unhappy with life, as the body and/or mind is attempting to correct the imbalance.
Some examples of this are adult-onset Fibromyalgia caused by the emotional upheaval from the death of a close family member when the client was age four, and Chronic Pain and Fatigue as a result of experiencing three car accidents in a 5-year time period while also being in a very stressful job. In most cases, it is not the initial trauma alone, but the accumulation of stresses and traumas in a person's life on top of the initial event that results in systemic disease or illness.
How can an Energy of Life™ Healing Session with Aaron help me?
Most of us do not consciously know the series of events or understand the stress patterns within our own bodies which resulted in our illness or condition. An EOL™ Healing Session can provide a roadmap of these patterns and events as they have played out within our bodies and offer a very helpful perspective on resolving them. A Healing Session can also identify the areas where toxins, medication residues, etc. may be lodged, how they affect the overall health, and provide instruction on how to release them.
What types of healing modalities does Aaron use?
Healing modalities used in Aaron’s healing sessions vary according to the specific needs of the client; he uses more than 40 modalities, many of which may be combined within a single healing session. These may include activation of the EOL™ process in the body, integrative bodywork/massage techniques (yes – even in distant/remote healing sessions!), color, light or sound therapies, Timeline Therapy, inner child work; aura, bioplasmic and/or torus field alignment or healing, craniosacral therapies, hypnotherapy, regression therapy, re-birthing, cellular memory release of physical, spiritual and emotional traumas and blockages, lymphatic stimulation and energetic detoxification of the body, soul re-integration, and more.
Interested in scheduling an appointment for an Energy of Life™
Healing Session?
Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch soon.