Yoga teacher and singer/songwriter Libby Volckening is a long-time student of mantra, studying first with Manorama at a workshop Kripalu in 2005, where she discovered the work of Thomas Ashley-Farrand (Namadeva Acharya) whose books and audio recordings made mantra come alive for her. In Namadeva’s lineage, she has studied with Bharata Bill Francis Barry and Rajeshwari Gretchen Carmel, and she has served as respondent to walli Bhavani Lorraine Nelson ( Most recently, she studied Vedic chanting in the Krishnamacharya lineage with Sangeetha Sriram through Shraddha Yoga.
From a young age, Libby enjoyed music. She started piano at age 5 and sang in various choirs and choruses including the New Jersey All-State Choir and The Smiffenpoofs. After a 20-year musical hiatus, Libby joined Heart Centered Kirtan with Jeff Martell in 2014, and with his encouragement, she discovered songwriting. After Jeff’s sudden passing in January 2016, Libby completed and released the first Heart Centered Kirtan CD in November 2017.
A second CD of original mantra music Invoking the Divine Feminine came out in September 2021, and a third album focusing on the masculine principles is due out soon. Stay tuned!
What is Kirtan?
Kirtan is transcendental spiritual music and a meditation practice also described as Bhakti Yoga or Nada Yoga. Its origins come from Eastern Indian and Budhist culture. In its tradition, Kirtan is recited as a call and response chanting from the vocal leader to the audience, who then recites or echos back the same lyrics. By chanting in this way, the sounds and voices raise a very high conscious vibration that reverberates within and outside of you, opening up energy channels. This practice calms and quiets the mind. You don't need to have any previous experience to attend a Kirtan. All spiritual faiths are welcome.
The Way To Balance - Center for Wellness
Carriage Mills Suite 201
21 Water Street, Amesbury, MA 01913
Direct Info: 603-828-7270
Saturday, February 24, 2024
6:30PM - 8:30PM
Please come early to get your seat. The exterior front door will automatically lock at 7:00PM.
$20 Donation at the door
Pay Cash or with Venmo (settings on friends and family)
<> Optional: Bring yoga blanket, cushions or a folding chair and perhaps a bottle of water.
<> Mask wearing is at your descretion.
<> Free upper and lower parking lot directly across from the Carriage Mills building with 4 charging stations.